Am Sonntag, 15. Oktober 2006 08:57 schrieben Sie:


> I was recently given an IBM T41 laptop. I've had little experience
> of laptop hardware, and no experience of wireless. The laptop itself
> didn't come with any wireless hardware (which, I gather, is a good thing
> as it would have been closed intel stuff).
> I would like to get some sort of wireless card for it. What would the users
> of this list recommend? It'll run OpenBSD 4.0, of course.

Personally, I run a ral(4) MiniPCI wireless card on my router (WRAP). It works 
quite well compared to the ath I had before. And those cards are quite cheap.

ral0 at pci0 dev 13 function 0 "Ralink RT2560" rev 0x01: irq 12, address ...
ral0: MAC/BBP RT2560 (rev 0x04), RF RT2525

Hope this helps,

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