ok, no one answered me but It's ok, it's working
thanks Stuart

2006/10/13, Ricardo Lucas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Ok, I never did that, so I need some help here, that's what I'm supposed
> to do:
> ifconfig bridge0 create
> brconfig bridge0 add vr0
> brconfig bridge0 add vr1
> brconfig bridge0 up
> vr0 is my inside network and vr1 is the card that connects me to the other
> network.
> with that commands I've and bridge, right?
> but, I only want that one computer out of my inside LAN could pass through
> the bridge the others will not use the bridge and pf will due with it.
> what can I do?
> brconfig bridge0 rule pass in on vr1 src 9:8:7:6:5:4
> brconfig bridge0 rule pass out on vr1 src 4:5:6:7:8:9
> where 9:8:7:6:5:4 is the MAC address of the outside PC and 4:5:6:7:8:9 is
> the MAC address of the inside PC?
> but if I do that, all the traffic from these two PCs will pass through
> this bridge?
> because this inside PC use this oBSD BOX to connect to the Internet, if I
> do that this PC will loose its connectivity?
> How can you see I'm kind lost here...
> 2006/10/13, Stuart Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > On 2006/10/13 03:22, Ricardo Lucas wrote:
> > > Hello misc, I need some support here, I need to configure an IPX
> > network on
> > > my oBSD box, because I have a program that only communicates by IPX
> > and the
> > > oBSD box is between these 2 LANs that uses this program, someone can
> > point
> > > me the directions?! I'm kind of lost here...
> >
> > You could bridge them.
> >
> >
> --
> Cordialmente
> Ricardo Lucas

Ricardo Lucas

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