On 10/13/06, Sideris Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Fri, Oct 13, 2006 at 02:35:35PM +0200, Joris Van Herzele wrote:
> It's true this is hardly relevant for a discussion forum, but I hope you
> will all forgive me ... I just felt the need to voice my joy.
> We all agree it's great software, but other than that just look at it :
> The packaging in itself is already enough to put me in a festive mood :)

Probably I am missing something here, but, isn't the release date
20061101? If so, why the early shipping? Just out of curiosity.

It has always been this way. Nico forgot to add your question in his
very short explanation of 'the way it is'.

Pressing, Printing, Packaging, Shipping -- these are all done early as
necessary to ensure that the pre-ordered CD's arrive BEFORE the
release date.

If the CD's have been printed and packaged earlier than expected and
are sitting around in somebody's living room -- why not begin shipping
them off?

Those who make pre-orders are often rewarded specialy, getting the
release earlier than those who did not pre-order. This is not WHY,
this is just a consequence of good time management.

I can't wait to see this post next release, too :) (only because I
always enjoy releases)

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