
On 13/10/2006, at 9:12 PM, Alexander Belikov wrote:

I want to fix a problem on one of my servers. The problem is 2 admins
1 server :( Both of us have a root access to it. It was a will of our
Top Managment..

This is not an OpenBSD issue.

Management needs to appoint one of you to be senior over the other. This way both of you could even still have root access if need be, but one of you calls the shots as far as policy goes at that level. If management won't do that, you'll need to deal with the problem until you can find a job elsewhere where management have a clue. If you need to spend a lot of time managing management and the problems they create, then it might be better for your career and sanity to move on.

Shane J Pearson
shanejp netspace net au

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