On Thu, Oct 12, 2006 at 08:54:35PM +0200, Falk Husemann wrote:
| Hello List!
| We're trying to put an old server to good use again and would like to
| know what's exactly the oldest machine running OpenBSD?

Oldest box I have is a 80486DX2 @66MHz w/ 16M RAM. It has two 10Mbit
NICs and a 250MB disk (rather small, so I gave it one wd0a for / and a
bit of swap). I used it for testing purposes and as serial console.
I've not booted it for quite some time now, it'll just work when I
turn it on.

However, people run OpenBSD/VAX. These machines are usually quite a
bit older.

Why not just give it a try. On i386-based hardware, if you have an FPU
(486DX and up or 386/486 w/ the accompanying 387/487), enough RAM
(16MB should be doable, lots of work required for smaller machines)
and enough diskspace (250M is possible but not comfortable), you
should be fine. Just give it a shot and see how far you get.


Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd


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