---- Original message ---- >Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2006 01:37:01 +0100 >From: Stuart Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Subject: Re: Letter to OLPC >To: OpenBSD <misc@openbsd.org> > >On 2006/10/05 15:47, Bob Beck wrote: >> It is completely shameful. One Laptop Per Citizen - controlled by >> the cabal. > >The cabal with their bios-signing keys. I guess heretics need not apply. > >http://www.olpcnews.com/software/operating_system/a_secure_2b1_bios_up.html >http://www.olpcnews.com/people/negroponte/negroponte_to_critic.html >
criticizing OLPC is like criticizing jesus. gettys should use this in his next poignant rebuttal, it will draw an even larger following of hollow heads. it's also a means of switching it up on the reader so they don't become as bored with the over-invocation of "the children". slap in the red cross like negroponte suggested and you've got a 5 paragraph essay on your hands. this whole thing smacks of supplying "weapons" to me. by handing out laptops to kids, the OLPC is clearly attempting to manufacture a relative comparative advantage between children who have laptops and those who don't. it is no different than the One Magnifying Glass Per Child or the One Knife Per Child programs in this sense. just like supplying weapons to gov'ts that are friendly, supplying laptops to children of friendly countries serves to generate a dependence on the manufacturers of such goods. did i mention the starbucks and viagra coupons that come with every laptop? many on list have said that the more basic needs of human existance are substantially more important: food, water, clothing, shelter, education, medicine. without a base to build on, every structure is bound to collapse. especially when it's profitable for it to do so. the hardware manufacturers stand to reap considerable long term profits as a result of the market they will build with this "selfless" "humanitarian" act. every ponzi scheme must grow, lest it run out of steam.