David B.([EMAIL PROTECTED])@2006.10.09 15:44:37 -0600:
> I see 4.0 is coming out, and yet, no hardware raid support, no fixes for
> raidframe,
> and still no SMP support, for sparc64 on Ultrasparc II machines.
> I'm using only 1 processor out of 4, and 4 hard drives out of 30 because I
> can't hardware raid
> my enterprise fiberchannel array, I can't hardware raid the majority of the
> drives in my
> E450, and because raidframe is so old and buggy, I can't raid5 any of it,
> and am left
> mirroring my 2 boot drives together, and 2 data drives together.
> This is a $125,000 machine 5 years ago, and I treat it no better than some
> crappy i686 box
> because security is my primary issue.  If I went with another OS, I could
> get a lot of the
> functionality I want, but what good is it, if some 12 y/o kid in pakistan
> can hack my box.
> I just can't see why SMP and hardware raid aren't supported on sparc64/II.
> Thanks at least for a very secure OS.  I've been online now for 6 months on
> this E450 with
> no hacks.

stfu. please tell me you're working for ibm,

Don't be too proud of the technological
terror you have constructed -- D. Vader

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