> -----Original Message-----
> Han Boetes
> Sent: 07 October 2006 09:02 PM
> To: misc@openbsd.org
> Subject: Re: Self Restraint (Was: Re: GPL = BSD + DRM [Was: Re:
> Open Source Policy Doesn't Make Sense])
> You know what I can't stand... Bullying! That's what's going on
> here.
> I'm the operator on an #openbsd channel, and I know exactly what
> happens when somebody start ranting about how {GPL, Windows,
> Linux, FreeBSD,...} sucks. Another guy is a happy user and before
> you know it you have a flamewar going on.
> So whenever somebody brings up a sensitive subject like that, I
> say something like `This channel is for people who love OpenBSD,
> not for people that hate XXX'
> That's how I keep the peace, the channel friendly and the
> discussions interesting.
> And I do the same the other way around when people start whining
> about BSD related stuff.
> But when I defend with rational arguments and in a polite way the
> merrits of the GPL percieved as by many developers and companies
> _without_ insulting the BSD license, but merely by pointing out a
> practical problem, I get flamed, insulted, threatened and called a
> troll!
> That... is bullying! That is a what people do who _want_ flamewars
> and insults to keep flying.
> So you think the GPL is fair game? Go ahead, remove all the
> GPL-licensed code from OpenBSD!
> All I want is respect for the opinion the other guys, just like I
> defend *BSD when someone starts ranting against it!
> # Han


Verskoon die dialek, ek is Afrikaans.

Jou woorde was "Restrictions on freedom is a good thing".

Jy moet erken dai hierdie woorde in opposisie is met die BSD lisensie.
Dit is hoekom almal vir jou kwaad is, omdat dit duidelik is dat jy die
GPL bo die BSD lisensie ag.

Die hele rede vir die bestaan van BSD is die lisensie.

Jou woorde skep beelde van OpenBSD onder 'n GPL lisensie, en dit word
hewig teengestaan hier. 

Die ander lede baklei slegs vir iets waaring hulle glo, die basis van
die werk wat hulle doen. Wees geduldig en dink oor wat jy se.


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