On Sun, 08 Oct 2006 22:36:47 -0400
Nick Holland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Keep your system current.  There are lots of reasons to do that, few
> good reasons not to.
nick you have answered my questions totally! even those i had difficulty
in figuring out how to ask (and therefore didn't).

i appreciate your suggestions too darrin.

the key idea seems to be that there is a reason that these versions
come about - they are better than what came before and pretty well on
any machine.

i like doodling with old stuff (still have the slackware 7 cd) and that
is fine for doodling, but for stuff other than that, your comments make
it clear to keep moving with openbsd even if things work well with a
particular version.

like you say "It is much better to just have the upgrade process part
of your life" ... after all, the developers do!

thank you! 

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