On Thu, Oct 05, 2006 at 03:54:47PM -0600, Jack J. Woehr wrote:
> >     Free and open software is a means to an end, rather than the
> >     sole end unto itself for OLPC.
> >
> > I was totally stunned by this admission.  "morally bankrupt", as Bob
> > says, is exactly what is going on.
> Hmm, sounds like you are saying that abstract goal of unlimited  
> software freedom is
> a higher goal than providing access to modern technology to  
> disadvantaged children in
> 3rd-world countries. I don't wish to argue that point, but it is  
> certainly a point
> that could be debated. 

I think the major issue is they're claiming to be so open source to
get this feel-good feeling, when really they don't care about open
source ideals.  Look at what Mike Evans, Red Hat representative on
OLPC board, says:

"We are a key part of the software team because of our experience and
leadership in the open source development model and community
dynamics." [ http://www.redhat.com/magazine/014dec05/features/olpc/ ]

Does Red Hat making under-the-table deals with closed-source vendors
to give them special access to hardware docs - which gives the open
source community in general nothing - make them leaders in open source
development and community dynamics?  I don't think so. 

Why *would* the OLPC people wish to get their  
> dicks caught
> in the struggle between the free-and-open software community and the  
> greedheads?
> -- 
> Jack J. Woehr
> Director of Development
> Absolute Performance, Inc.
> 303-443-7000 ext. 527

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