Stuart Henderson a icrit :
On 2006/09/30 21:59, Ronnie Garcia wrote:
Is it planned at any time to implement a (cisco-like) "network" parameter, to be able to tell ospfd which network it should annouce ?

Actually i need a mix of "default" and "static"/"connected" as i would like my border routers (also running bgpd) to announce a default route, and a few static/connected routes into the IGP.

You can have more than one 'redistribute' line.

Alright, it's just not quite clear in the man page =]
Works well, thanks.

Also did you notice
'redistribute <prefix>'?

This one did not work.
I'm using -stable (3.9) so it might be a new feature ?

In ospfd.conf :
redistribute X.Y.Z.0/30

/usr/sbin/ospfd gives :
/etc/ospfd.conf:10: unknown redistribute type

I tryed with several syntaxes, with no luck.


Ronnie Garcia <r.garcia at ovea dot com>

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