On 28. sep. 2006, at 02.30, Spruell, Darren-Perot wrote:

Following OpenBSD's automatic generation of ssh and isakmp
keys, prehaps the following would be a worthwhile addition to
/etc/rc to generate a key/config for rndc/named.

/etc/rc already handles that during named startup.


Ahh, yep, should have read through the rest of /etc/rc before posting...

While I'm there though, is there any reason (other than historical) for the following to anomalies:

- the installer script turns sshd on in /etc/rc.conf rather than /etc/ rc.conf.local

- the installer script's line for ntpd in /etc/rc.conf.local doesn't use "" like all the example's in /etc/rc

if it's just a matter of diffs, I'm more than willing to try and submit them...


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