On Thu, Sep 28, 2006 at 12:52:41PM +0200, Joachim Schipper wrote: > On Thu, Sep 28, 2006 at 10:55:30AM +0200, Aiko Barz wrote: > > Hi *, > > > > I use OpenBSD+Apache+Chroot for my webservices. The users can access > > their vhosts by using scponly, which is chrooted into /var/www as > > well. > > /htdocs/www.example.net belongs to theuser:www and has the > > permissions rwxr-x---. > > > > The issue: If my users start to install a php-Filebrowser, they are > > able to access the other Webdirectories and could read config.php, > > because they are doing it with the permissions of the webserver. > > Write access would be possible as well, since some parts need to have > > write access. > > > > I started to patch suExec to make it handle *.php and to make it > > chroot-ready, but I wasn't successful so far. suPHP seems to have > > issues with 1.3.29 and ordering new IP-addressese for having multible > > webserver intances seems to be difficult. > > As Henning pointed out, PHP's open_basedir and friends can be useful, > although I would caution against believing they will actually work - > suExec + PHP is not feasible for many people, due to the high webserver > load incurred; suPHP may be less problematic, or not.
Replying to myself to add another thought... It appears, from a quick web search, that FastCGI allows one to give each user its own PHP instance. One final thought: it would be better to use /virtual, as the Apache docs recommend, to prevent a misconfiguration giving access to everything in /htdocs. Or, at least, create a /htdocs/index.html. Joachim