Dear folks, after reading setrlimit(2) instructions for RLIMIT_NPROC, i started two terminals into my desktop. In one of them, i issued "ulimit -p 30".
Since, the number of process per user is global, i was expecting the output of ulimit -a on both of them to be the same. It was not what i saw: # On terminal 0 i got this : $ ulimit -a time(cpu-seconds) 3840 file(blocks) unlimited coredump(blocks) unlimited data(kbytes) 524288 stack(kbytes) 4096 lockedmem(kbytes) 157902 memory(kbytes) 32768 nofiles(descriptors) 64 processes 30 $ # On terminal 1 i got this (of course, after the steps in terminal 0). $ ulimit -a time(cpu-seconds) 3840 file(blocks) unlimited coredump(blocks) unlimited data(kbytes) 524288 stack(kbytes) 4096 lockedmem(kbytes) 157902 memory(kbytes) 32768 nofiles(descriptors) 64 processes 32 $ My doubt is about the maximum number of current proccess for my user id.