
        I posted this a few days ago to comp.unix.bsd.openbsd.misc, and
the only answer I got was mostly a suggestion that I post it here.  So,
here it is:
        I've got an Exabyte 430 tape jukebox with two drives

        They need to be connected to LVD SCSI, so I have found a PCI LVD
SCSI card to put in an Ultra-5.  (Exabyte's own documentation says that
while most LDV devices will work on SE SCSI, these will not.)

        The drive most distant from the terminator with SE SCSI works
most of the time read and write up to certain sizes -- Under Solaris 10
on an Ultra-2.  More than Exabyte promised.  It works quite well for
reading, and reasonably, but not perfectly for writing.  (The drive
closer to the SE terminator does not work well at all, but swapping them
causes the one which did not work well before to work well afterwards.

        With the system connected to the LVD SCSI controller on an
OpenBSD 3.8 system (mostly because I am too lazy to move that system to
OpenBSD 3.9 for the moment, as it is serving its main function with no
problems), I can control the jukebox with chio with no problems, and
read tapes written on other machines (even very long files) in either
drive (with a differential terminator in place, of course).

        However -- I cannot *write* to the drives at all.  It doesn't
even write enough to render previously-written files unaccessible. :-(

        This is OpenBSD 3.8 on a Sun Ultra5 (sparc64 kernel).  The only
part of the system which does not come with it is the LVD SCSI card,
which is documented in the dmesg information quoted below.

        Partial information from the dmesg output on that system:

console is keyboard/display
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
        The Regents of the University of California.  All rights
Copyright (c) 1995-2005 OpenBSD. All rights reserved.

OpenBSD 3.8 (GENERIC) #607: Sat Sep 10 16:03:59 MDT 2005
    [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/arch/sparc64/compile/GENERIC
total memory = 536870912
avail memory = 480067584
using 3276 buffers containing 26836992 bytes of memory
mainbus0 (root): Sun Ultra 5/10 UPA/PCI (UltraSPARC-IIi 333MHz)
cpu0 at mainbus0: SUNW,UltraSPARC-IIi @ 333 MHz, version 0 FPU
cpu0: physical 32K instruction (32 b/l), 16K data (32 b/l), 2048K
external (64 b/l)
psycho0 at mainbus0 addr 0xfffc4000
SUNW,sabre: impl 0, version 0: ign 7c0 bus range 0 to 2; PCI bus 0
DVMA map: c0000000 to e0000000
IOTDB: 26a8000 to 2728000

        [ ... ]

siop0 at pci2 dev 1 function 0 "Symbios Logic 53c896" rev 0x07: ivec 1810, 
using 8K of on-board RAM
scsibus1 at siop0: 16 targets
siop1 at pci2 dev 1 function 1 "Symbios Logic 53c896" rev 0x07: ivec 1811, 
using 8K of on-board RAM
scsibus2 at siop1: 16 targets
ch0 at scsibus2 targ 9 lun 0: <EXABYTE, Exabyte 430, 2.18> SCSI2 8/changer 
st0 at scsibus2 targ 10 lun 0: <EXABYTE, Mammoth2, v07g> SCSI2 1/sequential 
st0: density code 0x28, 1024-byte blocks, write-enabled
st1 at scsibus2 targ 11 lun 0: <EXABYTE, Mammoth2, v07g> SCSI2 1/sequential 
st1: density code 0x28, 1024-byte blocks, write-enabled

        And -- when we start having problems:

siop1: target 10 now using 16 bit 40.0 MHz 31 REQ/ACK offset xfers
st0(siop1:10:0): unhandled message 0x23
st0(siop1:10:0): unhandled message 0x23
st0(siop1:10:0): unhandled message 0x23
siop1: target 9 now using 8 bit async xfers
ch0: 30 slots, 2 drives, 1 picker, 1 portal
siop1: target 11 now using 16 bit 40.0 MHz 31 REQ/ACK offset xfers
st1(siop1:11:0): unhandled message 0x23
st1(siop1:11:0): unhandled message 0x23
st1(siop1:11:0): unhandled message 0x23
st0(siop1:10:0): Check Condition (error 0x70) on opcode 0x0
    SENSE KEY: Not Ready
     ASC/ASCQ: Logical Unit Is in Process Of Becoming Ready
st0(siop1:10:0): unhandled message 0x23
st0(siop1:10:0): unhandled message 0x23
st0(siop1:10:0): unhandled message 0x23
st0(siop1:10:0): unhandled message 0x23
st0(siop1:10:0): unhandled message 0x23

        So -- does OpenBSD 3.8 or 3.9 deal properly with Exabyte Mammoth
2 drives?

        Does something special need to be put into the kernel source and
a recompilation performed -- similar to the "st.conf" changes in Solaris
10 as below?

tape-config-list= "EXABYTE Mammoth2", "Mammoth2 8mm Helical Scan", "M2";
M2      = 1,0x35,0,0x19e39,1,0x28,0;

        If all else fails, I'll pick up another Ultra-5 or Ultra-10,
stuff Solaris 10 into it, and use the PCI LVD card in that, since I do
know that Solaris 10 *will* write to the drives -- even with the wrong
SCSI interface.  (I wish that I could find a LVD SCSI card in sBus
format for the Ultra-2. :-)

        If more of the dmesg is needed, I can post it all, but opted to
keep the overall size of this down somewhat, so I trimmed it to what I
*think* matters.


P.S.    I like chio in preference to mtx, except that the latest mtx
        will report barcode information from the tapes, and (I think)
        that chio will not.

 Email:   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   | Voice (all times): (703) 938-4564
        (too) near Washington D.C. |
           --- Black Holes are where God is dividing by zero ---

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