Since pre-orders are available, it would be interesting to known in
which position i am in the queue. Just a suggestion, like in.

Order Position:  xxxx th order received.

On 9/21/06, Mike Tancsa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
At 11:06 AM 9/21/2006, Bob Beck wrote:
>* Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-09-21 08:52]:
> > I have seen on two sites a guy complaining about the CD ordering
> > system.  Apparently there is no mention of the amount you will actually
> > be paying unless you provide your CC info.  This may detract some
> > potential buyers.
>         news to me. yes, if you don't provide any payment information it will
>piss and moan at you OTOH, the total sits right up there at the top as
>you build up an order Do you have any real info? or is this just third
>hand reporting of something on someone's web site?

I tried ordering this morning and got a disk full error upon posting.
Is it OK to order now ?

Error Processing Order!

We couldn't process your order out via e-mail!
The Error we got was: mail From: error (452 4.4.5 Insufficient disk
space; try again later)

Your order has not been processed


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