On Mon, Sep 18, 2006 at 03:23:37PM +0200, Bambero wrote:
> Hello
> Is there any good way to setup chrooted sftp-server without shell access ?
> I tried scponly but it's not secure enough (I heard), there is no port
> for openbsd,
> and I had problems to set it up.
> Second way is rssh, but compilation fails becouse of worexp.
> Now I'm using ftpd but I want to change it becouse of text/plain passwords.
> Any suggestions ?
use stsh[1]; if you want to simplify rulesets, you can just change 
the code to inherit policy(-i). All my users have chrooted shell/sftp
accounts - no problems so far :)

                                - Lukasz Sztachanski

[1] http://monkey.org/~dugsong/openbsd/stsh-1.1.tar.gz
0x01A3E654 // 7832 E59C B733 9E6F CB54  6327 DFC1 161E 01A3 E654
                                                 *new keys*

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