Kyle George wrote:
On Thu, 7 Sep 2006, Jacob Yocom-Piatt wrote:

i too was "unlucky" until i read some posts on misc@ several months
back. adding

Besides /etc/login.conf changes, ulimit, and sysctl kern.maxfiles, I
believe there is also an "open-files-limit" setting that can be placed in

Yes there is and you also need to make sure to start MySQL using the new define class as well.

Look in the archive for what needs to be there. I reposted all the details many times over.

Some details again however:

in rc.local

# Start MySQL server
if [ -x /usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe ] ; then
su -c _mysql root -c '/usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe &' > /dev/null & echo -n ' mysql'

in sysctl.conf

# Increase for MySQL

in login.conf

# Setting used by MySQL daemon

in my.cnf

# The following options will be pass to mysqld_safe

Install from packages as well for trouble free.

I have about 8 MySQL server all running for years and very stable. Some run on i386, AMD64 and Sun Sparc 64. None are unstable, or freeze. The time up only stop when I patch the system, either the OS, or install the package upgrades.

If you have stability problem, you should troubleshoot it and get ride of your problem.

May be different hardware between the screen and the keyboard might help get over that hump and get it to a stable stage.

Hope this help you some.


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