2006/9/3, Nick Holland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Bruno Carnazzi wrote:
>   Hi misc,
> There is a numbering problem or a missing section in FAQ - 6
> Networking : http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq6.html#6.8

Not quite sure how that's a problem.

Things get added and removed.

I have an aversion to renumbering articles excessively... Even though
one of the early things I did in the FAQ was breaking the tie between
section numbers and links, I still tend to think of articles by the
section number...as apparently you do, as well.

I really hate the situation where I feel a new article should go in
the middle of a page with a related article, but there's no "hole" in
the numbering.  So, I either have to renumber a bunch of things (ick)
or stick it at the end (ick).  For that reason, I am reluctant,
probably too reluctant, to renumber pages after the deletion of an

btw: if you think that's a "problem", the proper technique is to
assume the "mistake" was made more than once and look for similar
numbering incongruities (there's at least one other much more annoying
gap), look at the CVS logs and see if you can figure out WHY things
are as they are, figure out how things should be done better, and
submit a patch. :)  In this case, things are as I sort-of intend them
to be, though I have been thinking about closing things up (and
deleting/relocating more articles, so it isn't quit that simple yet).


You convinced me that it's not a problem. There are *lots* of better
things to do and renumbering can introduce new broken links, take lots
of time and don't provide very usefull things...

Best regards,


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