Andreas Bartelt wrote:
Andreas Bartelt wrote: ...
thanks, you made me look at my BIOS and (at least I think) I found
the cause. There's an option called "Video Off method", which was
set to "DPMS support". I just switched it to "blank screen" and
didn't experience the usual problems after rebooting. I think (hope
;) ) this solved the problem.
I'm replying to myself here. I wrote this on August, 5th, and I
thought the problem was gone. I was wrong! The problem was not gone
and changing the "video off method" configuration in the BIOS didn't
help at all (I've tried all settings related to this...).
Now, I can provide some more weird facts about this problem: - I can
successfully work around this problem by turning my PC on _without_
turning on my monitor. Then, I login blindly and start Xorg (XFCE4).
If I turn on my monitor _after_ this procedure, I have no "switching
off" problems with my monitor. Curiously, this procedure always
works. - If I turn on the monitor at some point _before_ starting
Xorg, I _always_ have this "switching on/off" problem with my
monitor, until I turn the monitor off (and wait a few seconds) and,
then, turn it on again. After this procedure, the problem is also
gone. Furthermore, this problem does only occur after turning my PC
on for the first time (most of the time, it works after rebooting if
I don't wait too long before starting Xorg...). - the graphics card
doesn't seem to be the cause (I've tried a Radeon 9600 and a Geforce
2). - I don't have similar problems when I boot Windows XP, so I
don't think it's my hardware.
Now, this alone looks like a real problem, but there's more... After
upgrading CURRENT on August, 26th (I didn't upgrade since August,
5th), I have even more problems related to the console. After exiting
Xorg (I use XFCE4 as desktop environment), the console behaves
totally weird. Most of the time, I just see a black screen and no
more console output. Sometimes, there are just fields of black and
grey (and blue shades for kernel messages ;) ) on the monitor.
Entering commands with the keyboard still works, but there's no
readable feedback on the screen at all. I've also tested this with
the Radeon 9600 and the Geforce 2 card.
regards, Andreas
hang on...
Your earlier problem was about CONSOLE blanking...not X.
This is a totally unrelated issue:
The problem is with the console (it begins without ever starting
Xorg, i.e., during an installation of OpenBSD with a standard floppy
X DOES default to turning off the screen after a while. I'm guessing
that turning off your monitor before starting X keeps X from discovering
that your monitor speaks DPMS, so it disables that "feature" (yes, I
find it annoying often, myself).
xset -dpms s noblank s off
should do wonders for you...