> Maybe I was too verbose, from all appearances the key pair works fine
> for ethant:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/ethant# ssh rice
> Last login: Fri Aug 25 00:14:42 2006 from grits
> OpenBSD 4.0-beta (GENERIC) #1083: Mon Aug 21 21:24:02 MDT 2006
> Welcome to OpenBSD: The proactively secure Unix-like operating system.

The key works fine because you have ethant's public key on the remote host
set up in ~ethant/.ssh/authorized_keys. Since ethant on the localhost has
the corresponding private key, you're gold.

> It's just that when I sudo the script that I get the password prompt.

Because when you sudo, you're becoming root and sending 'root' as your user
name to the remote system. You're not authenticating as ethant under sudo.
You're not sending ethant's public key anyway; you'd be authenticating with

> Same user and UID on all 3 systems, and as far as I know corn and
> grits are almost identical except for the fact that one is 3.8 and the
> other is 4.0.

The one working as you think it should probably has the user's key in root's
authorized_keys file. There obviously is a difference, and it doesn't have
anything to do with your OS version. It's your authentication setup.

Throw one or more '-v' switches into your ssh commands so you can see what
it's doing.


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