On 8/24/06, Nick Shank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Regardless, I was simply asking if 1) The possibility of a user who has
access to the system had been thought of, and 2) Would it matter.

Umm,  hasn't this whole discussion been about the situation when the
user has access?  If they don't have that, then the presence or
absence of the compiler is undetectable, no?

As for whether it would "matter", you'll have to say what it means to
matter.  Does removing the compiler mean that the user can't compile
"spl01t.c" to "spl01t" on that machine without installing other
software?  Sure.  Does it mean they can't create "spl01t" and thereby
exploit the machine?  Of course not: removing the compiler does not
prevent the creation of binary executables.

So, does that count as mattering?

Philip Guenther

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