On 8/23/06, Jon R H <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Spruell, Darren-Perot"

To: <misc@openbsd.org>
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 2:47 PM
Subject: Re: Looking for general info on OpenBSD

>> Man pages drives me nuts some times!
>> its the formating of them that gets me!
>> but i will use them with a open mind.
> That's something you'll have to get over - UNIX without the manual pages =
> dumb admin.
>> Just seems kinds wild one of the best OS's
>> in the world has no printed Manual, ya know ?
> Print a manual for what purpose? The development in OpenBSD is far too
> to keep a printed manual current for more than... well... weeks to months?
> New releases bring lots of new functionality and improvement to the system.
> Stuff that remains static is already documented elsewhere, Design of the
> BSD blah blah and so on. Printed manuals just really have short useful
> lifetimes. man pages are searchable, printable, HTMLizable, etc.
> DS

One thing that keeps donaters
from giving away there money are people
who are rude in public forums!

The next thing would be a lack
of printed manuals for a good read by donaters!

Put your thinking cap on before you post next time please!
you could be costing openBSD a pile of free money!

But what do i know ?
I am just some dude in a public forum!

Gah, this has been beaten to *death* before. The OpenBSD people choose
truth over happiness. Theo started the entire project specifically
because he was kicked out for being rude (but correct) to people while
with NetBSD. Truth over happiness is what will save the human race
from itself. We need more Theos.

OpenBSD is derrided for being mean, but even it's enemies (mostly)
don't deny that it is the best.

As for money, yes, the project is always in need of money, but they
are pretty organized about it and they have us intellectual cultists
to support them, and, hopefully, promote them to rich companies where
some of us work.

And dammit don't top post. You're using outlook aren't you? God, fuck
outlook. Fuck outlook and it's shitty non-standard "look let's pretend
the reply button is the forward button" design. And then that forces
you into top posting because otherwise it looks like the way the
message looks now.

Have a nice day,

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