** Reply to message from Daniel Ouellet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Wed,
23 Aug 2006 22:05:53 -0400

>In my database right now I am up to 5241 IP's starting at 2PM today only.
>I sure can publish it as it's fair game.
>But what's interesting to me is the signature.
>If I follow this idea, then every single compromise computers in my list 
>have to be Windows, all with the same service pack, browser, etc. 
>Obviously if all the same then all have the same bug and can be 
>compromise the same way. But still.

You seem to be assuming that whatever malware is involved is using the
software installed on the hijacked computer.  More likely, it is
opening a connection to your web server itself and sending whatever
request and supplementary information it wants (which is the same in
all cases, since it's the same malware).


Dave Anderson

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