PPS, The version says it is, in fact, 3.7_2. Fetching ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-6.1-release/Latest/openbgpd.tbz... Done. pkg_add: package 'openbgpd-3.7_2' or its older version already installed
-W On 8/23/06, bablam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks everyone for all your replies, Answers inline > What is "openbgp version 3.72"?...... When I installed this package I did so with the following command "pkg_add -r openbgpd Fetching ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-6.1-release/Latest/openbgpd.tbz..." This link was no longer valid, I tried netcatting the open port in hopes of getting a banner with a version, no luck. I backed up the tree to "ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-6.1-release/" and found the first openbgp package, sorry total swag. >Why announce the network to which both hosts are already >connected? Try removing that because it's after that route >has been added that the problem seems to start... I removed the prefix from .130 that both peers share and the result was the same. >Yes. You get a couple of prefixes announced, then nothing and the >session resets once hold-time runs out? And if you look at traffic, >lots of TCP retransmits? Also, the path between the two boxes has a >path-MTU less than local MTUs? These hosts are local, same switch, same VLAN, 100mbTX, full duplex. No errors on the switch. > misc@ is the right place. Thx > Why do you set holdtime to 6? These peers are local to eachother (100mb/TX), I want fast convergence > > HoldTimer expired > > This is the cause why the connection goes down. For some reason the hold > timer triggered. Check with bgpctl show nei timer if the > holdtime and keepalive timer are correct. Could this have anything to do with the "BGP: %NOTIFICATION: received from neighbor 5/0 (Finite State Machine Error) 0 bytes BGP: went from Established to Idle" error? > This one here is a bit strange. Why is the ConnectRetryTimer still running > when the connection is established. Not sure, I am going to upgrade to the latest (or snapshot based on feedback from the group) and see if the error goes away. > Please send the output of "bgpctl show nei timer" > and what version of OpenBGPD are you running (there is no such thing as > 3.72). Check if it is not possible to install a more current version. > I will send this if the issue is not resolved with the upgrade. Thx. > -- > :wq Claudio > > Again, thank you, awesome information. -- Wade B "Integrity is more important than perception management" "There are two kinds of pain, the pain of change and the pain of never changing"
-- Wade B "Integrity is more important than perception management" "There are two kinds of pain, the pain of change and the pain of never changing"