On 23/08/06, Julien TOUCHE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> tony sarendal wrote on 22/08/2006 08:32:
> > I wrote a script to generate graphs for the queues using python and
> > rrdtool a while back when I needed it, although it only works with
> > CBQ. http://www.prefixmaster.com/eyeonpf.php
> >
> awesome tool. i try it yesterday evening and it is really simple to make
> it work.
> two questions:
> - is it possible or plan to make it work on a remote system: maybe
> generate data on a host and graph only on other ?
Ok, having  a boring day at work.
I updated the script so the shell commands are defined in the beginning.
Now you just need to change those four commands so they execute
on the remote host using ssh (or whatever) and you are up and running.

Back to work...


Tony Sarendal - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
       -= The scorpion replied,
               "I couldn't help it, it's my nature" =-

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