Sven Ingebrigt Ulland wrote:
> We are about to deploy some fairly critical VPN functionality in our
> network, and for that purpose we're considering using OpenBSD with
> isakmp/ipsec. We've had a test setup running for some time now with
> no problems, but I'm interested in hearing about your long-term
> experiences with running openbsd ipsec/isakmpd in critical production
> environments. My excuses for the survey-ish feeling of this post.
> How long have you been running openbsd isakmpd/ipsec (in production)?

We have since changed how we're doing this, but we had a Cisco and
OpenBSD VPN running for a few years.

> What problems, if any, have you had with the openbsd vpn
> implementations? Which of them are the most recurring? How do you
> usually fix them?

We had zero problems--with the exception of a couple rare MTU issues
and, while probably not the ideal resolution, fixing the MTU on the
affected hosts resolved these.

> Have you experienced any interoperability problems when establishing
> tunnels with peers that run other implementations (cisco, checkpoint,
> etc)? And if so, how do you work around those?

None--after finding the correct initial configuration everything "just
worked" and continued to.

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