
Yes I've read thru the docs under openbsd.org, and I don't think these 
are very difficult questions, so I would be grateful if someone would 
just post a quick response :)
Also please note that this is my very first openbsd install, and the 
first post to this list ever.

I've installed the 3.9 release, and I wish to follow the -stable (patch) 
branch. I've downloaded the src.tar.gz and the sys.tar.gz packages. 
I've extracted them under /usr/src.

1. Is it right if I'm thinking that I only need to rebuild a software 
in /usr/src if there is a security update for it (on the errata page)?
For example there was a security update for httpd at 2006.07.30.

2. It is not clear for me that why can I find a package 
called 'dovecot-1.0.beta8.tgz' under 
ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/3.9/packages/i386/, and I can not find this 
package under my updated (from the -stable branch) /usr/ports tree. 
However, there is a 'dovecot-1.0.beta3.tgz' package which exists under 
both places.

3. I don't know what is the releationship between the ports.openbsd.nu 
site and the OpenBSD project, so this will maybe an OT question. I can 
find a dovecot-1.0.rc2p3 package on ports.openbsd.nu. Is that only in 
the -current ports tree, and that is why I can not find it under 
my -stable ports tree, or is that a totally different ports tree, and I 
must checkout from there, if I want to use that software.

All this struggle because I must upgrade from dovecot-beta8 to beta9, 
because of a bug in the DIGEST-MD5 auth in beta8.

Thanks for the answers!



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