Claudio Jeker wrote:
On Thu, Aug 17, 2006 at 05:32:52PM +0200, Per Engelbrecht wrote:
Hi all,

(obsd3.8 / i386)

So fare I've used 'weight' and 'localpref' between our peers in order to put one in favour of the other (mainly for pricing). Now I'm adding third peer and wan't to use AS path prepending in ordet to compensate for one of my old peer's inappropriate peering agreements in .eu making the old peer a sort of "backup peer" only. I expect that the attribute 'prepend-self' is the one I should use one the peer I wan't to prepend/prefix/make less attractive, like:

neighbor $slowjoe {
   remote-as   xxxx
   descr "slowjoe"
   set localpref 100
   set weight 45
   announce   self
   announce IPv6   none
   tcp md5sig passwd xxxxxxxxx
   prepend-self 2

... right ?

Nope. prepend-self is an outgoing thing. You most probably need to use

And while I'm at it:
- if I wan't to make sure that $slowjoe is chosen as a last resort, how many times (0-9) should I prepend ?

More than 5 is normaly not needed as the avarage path is about that long.
Normaly it is easier to use localpref to make a backup session only
eligible if no other route is aroung. Just lower the localpref of your
backup neighbor.

- in short, how will the 'prepend-[self|neighbor]' attributes affect the 'localpref' and/or 'weight' ?

The decision path is roughly like this:
1. nexthop
2. localpref
3. aspath lenght
4. origin
5. MED/metric
7. weight

- In contrast to 'prepend-self' when should the 'prepend-neighbor' attribute be used ?

prepend-self is for outgoing filters (it adds your own AS) whereas
prepend-neighbor is for incomming filters (it adds the AS of the
neighbor). Prepend-self on incomming filters will render all sent prefixes
invalid because the aspath is not loop free.
Hi Claudio,

Just to make absolutely sure:

If I want to express a policy with prepend rules to prefer INCOMING traffic via my better-connected $primetime peer and only use my $slowjoe peer as a backup, I should do:
prepend-neighbor 5

If I want to express a policy with prepend rules to prefer OUTGOING traffic via my better-connected $primetime peer and only use my $slowjoe peer as a backup, I should do:
prepend-self 2

The last part of your reply: "Prepend-self on incomming filters will render all sent prefixes invalid because the as path is not loop free." kind of confuses me, the filter-part that is. Based on the syntax in bgpd.conf how can I (from what you're saying) ever avoid creating a loop if/when using prepend-self ?


neighbor $slowjoe {
        remote-as   xxxx
        descr "slowjoe"
        set localpref 100
        set weight 45
        announce   self
        announce IPv6   none
        tcp md5sig passwd xxxxxxxxx
        prepend-self 2
        prepend-neighbor 5


... from what you're saying, I've just created at loop ?

I would appreciate you answer very much.

The best


Thank you in advance.


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