On Mon, Aug 14, 2006 at 10:48:55PM -0400, Chris Zakelj wrote:
> >   PPPoA is in some ways, preferable, since you don't have the MTU
> > issue of PPPoE.

Much better.

> It is helpful to include such details ;)  At the office where I worked
> roughly three years ago, we had a setup where the external modem handled
> all the PPPoA aspects, but transparently handed off the public IP
> address and forwarded all ports to the oBSD firewall I had set up. 
> Unfortunately, I forget the name of the company that made it, but it did
> work quite well, and didn't require any kind of extra configuration on
> the firewall itself.  How it did that, though, I haven't a clue.

I used to have a DLink 300T that done this, think it was some sort of
"half-bridge", if there is such a thing. The routable WAN IP was passed
though to the NIC, but I could still telnet/web to it on a private
address from the same NIC - all done with DHCP.


Craig Skinner | http://www.kepax.co.uk | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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