Dear Diehm, thanks a lot for your time and cooperation. Best regards.
I would like a rule that match every single IPv4 address, except for a given range. I read somewhere 0/0 is not accepted, so: table <xxx> persists { 0/0 !a.b.c/24 } should not work by pf. So, how could i have it implemented another way? Thanks in advance. On 7/30/06, Mischa Diehm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi, is it just the syntax you have problems with? On Sun, Jul 30, 2006 at 04:50:46AM -0300, Gustavo Rios wrote: > table <xxx> { 0/0 !x.b.c/24 } tableaddr-list = tableaddr-list [ "," ] tableaddr-spec | tableaddr-spec you need to seperate with "," to make that rule work. > But it is not acceptable. by pf or in general are you looking for a different solution? Mischa