Ahmmm. Openbsd gets bad score in patching ?
Well that maybe becuase the os is so good that doesnt need 30 patches a day
like the linux distros.
I have heard the linux 'fans' saying amazing crap about their os'es...

Thank god in this world there are people that know that openbsd rules.
We must all also help the openbsd community with donations for the amazing
work that all the guys in the obsd team do.
I did a donation 3-4 months ago to the obsd and if I had more i'd send out

Let the linux guys talk. All the can do is talk ... Their os's suck....

bsd for life ;)

On 7/27/06, chefren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 07/27/06 11:17, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Someone has written an article under "Information Security News",
> > entitled "Linux patch problems: Your distro may vary". As if
> > OpenBSD were a "Linux distro".
> Well, OpenBSD gets mentioned, that's the most important.
> ..
> > Good job Edmund! This is one of the worst articles on security I
> > have ever read. Talk about missing the point.
> Yep, let's do talk about it since I see you as a blind horse that
> misses the point because you cannot read. The title contains the two
> words "patch problems" and that isn't a very strong point of OpenBSD.
> (Obviously because there are not as many developers as other
> distributions have.)
> The article is not about the strong points of OpenBSD, pro-active and
> integrated security, it's about patching and updates, a weak point of
> OpenBSD.
> And it's not at all about stupidities like the one you mentioned of
> Ubuntu, you provide chaos without a reason.
> +++chefren

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