dd if=/de hit tab at the end of that command on ksh and then on zsh. Nuff said.
Bash is the size of a house and less than 1% of its functionality is like, functional.
Jason Wright did the whole world a favor and ported OpenBSD's ksh to Linux. You can find it at http://www.peereboom.us/ksh_linux.html I created a cygwin port that is hidden at: http://www.peereboom.us/ksh_cygwin.html
Hooray for ksh! Rico Secada wrote:
Hi I don't want to start a religios thread and I don't want general personal opinions :-) Why has OpenBSD developers decided to run ksh as the default shell and not for example bash or zsh? The question is being asked because of a debate at our datacenter about the three shells and I would like to understand both the technical reason and the more general one - if posible someone knows and has the time to answer. Best and kind regards Rico