Stuart Henderson wrote:

Traditionally Asterisk has not been the most portable software,
it has improved between 1.0 and 1.2 releases, and it's getting
better, but developers are mainly using Fedora Core and the
further away from that the harder some things become.

Yes. Also keep in mind that there are NO Zaptel hardware drivers for OpenBSD as of yet, so you can't natively do FXO, FXS, T1/E1 TDM/PRI or other fun things on the Asterisk box just yet. In order to do phone network interfacing, you'll need an external box that can speak those things and speak SIP (or IAX) out to the Asterisk-on-OpenBSD box.

The other issue that may come up, especially when doing protocol translation is that you tend to need stable timing on the Asterisk box, this usually comes in the form of card interrupts clocked by the Zaptel hardware. Under Linux, there's the "ztdummy" module, but I don't recall if they have a similar workaround for the *BSD ports.



Joseph C. Bender
jcbender at bendorius dot com

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