On 10 jul 2006, at 20.43, Spruell, Darren-Perot wrote:

Is there any UTF-8-aware text editor (for terminal use) available
for OpenBSD? Vi(m) and similar is out of question for me, I never
learned those.

As ubiquitous as vi is on Unix, it seems a shallow reason.

Really, it takes all of 15 minutes to pick up what you need for vi/ vim. Install a copy somewhere and spend a few minutes on vimtutor and you should
find it pretty straightforward.


You are probably right about that. We'll see.

I just "upgraded" my server OS from Debian/Linux to OpenBSD. But it seems
that in the case of Unicode-aware applications I made a big "downgrade".

I really want I simple editor with unicode, for myself and my users.


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