Thank you everyone for the useful information. I think that this is actually the most I have ever received on any list when I have asked a (to me) fairly complex question. I have now been armed with insightful, and meaningful information that I can move forward with. I'll be doing 2 things. 1. I have a second box (that is much older and therefore in my mind not a good choice to replace with), but I will install 3.6 there, and then run through the upgrade process on it, from 3.7 to 3.8 and finally 3.9 2. When step 1 completes, then I'll start the process on my main box. That way I will know exactly what to expect. Thanks again, --Rob
- ---------------------------- Eirik Goransson / Rob Baldassano Member, Barony of Endless Hills; House Odlahorde; Viking & All around Good Egg ; VROC #5029 (Tigger) come visit Want to be your own boss? Learn how on Yahoo! Small Business.