OpenBSD SMP is based on BigLock, so only one processor at the time can execute kernel code, and IP Stack is kernel side only.
As far as I remember.


Gustavo Rios napisaE(a):
I have the same understanding you have Pachl. I believe OpenBSD IP
Stack is not multithreaded implemented. A core developer could
deny/confirm such belief.

/all the best.

On 6/30/06, Clint Pachl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Does PF utilize multiple processors? One of my router/firewalls is a
dual Pentium Pro 200. It also runs ftp-proxy, but that's it. Would a PII
400MHz be equivalent, better, or worse?

Just curious. From what I understand, the network stack is not threaded,
thus multiple processors would not be beneficial.

- pachl

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