On 6/28/06, joakinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Greetings to all,

I'm a programmer and network administrator and want to study the code of
OpenBSD related to TCP/IP & Ethernet to understand networking from inside
and also to see if I can be of any help to the rest of developers.

I'm interested specifically in the following topics:

- Programming ethernet drivers
- Study and understand the API that TCP/IP offers to applications

I know the basics of C language so reading code I will refresh my knowledge of

Where do you recommend me to start?
Perhaps reading src/sys/netinet?
Is there any "diagram" of how every piece of code retales to the others?

not to my knowledge. Starting with section 4 of the manual, and the
corresponding source files, is probably the way to go. style(9) may
also be enlightening.
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