On 6/26/06, FTP <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi there,

I was trying to start Apache in SSL mode and I did follow the 
http://openbsd.org/faq/faq10.html#HTTPS steps. After that I issued "apachectl 
startssl" and everything went fine.

Now, when I point to the https://<IP-address> from my server I get an "unable to 
connect error"!

What did I do wrong?

In the ssl_engine_log I get: "Configuring server new.host.name:443 for SSL 
protocol". This server has no domain assigned. Did I do something wrong in the certs?

no, but you probably neglected to edit /var/www/conf/httpd.conf
appropriately (ServerName and NameVirtualHost come to mind, as well as
the appropriate name-specific parts of the SSL config in the same
file). ssl_engine_log probably won't give you the info you need here;
take a look at your access_log and error_log.
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   encrypted email to the latter address please
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