I upgraded my net4501 to a ral(4) based card, so I switched to netboot +
nfsroot for testing to avoid having to mount the CF rw.
Bringing the ral interface up gives these panics:
# ifconfig ral0 up
fatal protection fault in supervisor mode
trap type 4 code d2610000 eip d01f73d1 cs ffff0008 eflags 10246 cr2
1c016150 cpl 80
panic: trap type 4, code=d2610000, pc=d01f73d1
Starting stack trace...
panic(80,d2610000,d62ea750,d01f73d1,d2610000) at panic+0x65
panic(d02b67aa,4,d2610000,d01f73d1,d26d5600) at panic+0x65
trap() at trap+0x139
--- trap (number 4) ---
nfs_bioread(d2614c30,d62ea958,0,ffffffff,80) at nfs_bioread+0x131
nfs_read(d62ea898,d05e8400,d62ea8c0,d016def0,d02cb360) at nfs_read+0x32
VOP_READ(d2614c30,d62ea958,0,ffffffff) at VOP_READ+0x34
loadfirmware(d028f429,d62eaa10,d62eaa14,301) at loadfirmware+0x1af
rt2661_init(d04b2030,d62eab84,d62eaaa0,d015de29,0) at rt2661_init+0x90
rt2661_ioctl(d04b2030,8020690c,d05d8b00,0) at rt2661_ioctl+0xf3
in6_purgeif(d04b2030,d05d8b00,d62eaca8,1) at in6_purgeif+0x76e
in6_update_ifa(d04b2030,d62eac98,0,0) at in6_update_ifa+0x1f8
in6_domifdetach(d04b2030,0,d62ead70,d0238380,d24ed2a8) at
in6_ifattach(d04b2030,0,d62eadc0,d02383fb,d04b2030) at in6_ifattach+0xf9
in6_if_up(d04b2030,0,0,d26c6444,0) at in6_if_up+0x12
ifioctl(d26c5e58,80206910,d62eae78,d25bd440) at ifioctl+0x28f
sys_ioctl(d25bd440,d62eaf68,d62eaf58,ffff8803,0) at sys_ioctl+0x115
syscall() at syscall+0x2eb
--- syscall (number 54) ---
I haven't read the code, but going by the function names I 'mount_mfs -P'd
/etc/firmware over itself and the panic goes away.
OpenBSD 3.9-stable (GENERIC.diskless) #0: Mon Jun 19 02:25:52 CEST 2006
Which is a GENERIC kernel changed to nfsroot.
No relevant results for "nfs firmware" from query-pr or gmane.org
Known bug?