it's shure no power-saving problem, because:
i'm using the boxes as router with ral.
with the RT2561 Chip i had this problem only after 500MB
transferred data, with the RT2560 Chip i had this problem
after some MB and 3 seconds. And thats no power-saving
after 3 seconds. i've no problem with a ethernet cable
betweek the boxes, but only with the ral cards. i'd
also no problem with prism cards. i can be a problem
of the ral driver. strange ....


On Thu, 2006-06-22 at 23:14 +0100, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2006/06/22 19:44, Thomas Bvrnert wrote:
> > ok i tried it and it works, ... strange ...
> > the throughout is a little bit higher, without the
> > patch it was 2,4 MB/s and with the patch 2,7 MB/s.
> > (scp) and i've 1500 total interrupts more.
> > 
> > But i think the problem is on another place in the code.
> Glancing through the datasheet for dp83815 one thing that stuck
> out was a mention of disabling rx in power-saving, and I know that
> geode systems do a bunch of power-saving that can't be disabled
> (VSA loaded by BIOS runs above everything else on the cpu and can
> control this sort of thing), which has caused problems in other
> areas before (do you see that 'TSC disabled' right at the top
> of dmesg? played hell with altq until that was done...)
> I guess if anyone has both a sis(4) and ral(4) they can try in a
> non-soekris box, if they don't see the same freeze-ups remedied by
> 'ifconfig sisN up', that lends support for this hypothesis (or,
> if they do see the same problem, blows it out the water)...
> The oldest version of Donald Becker's linux driver for the chip
> which I could find does this same thing (bottom of netdev_rx in
> natsemi.c, "Restart Rx engine if stopped.") so unfortunately
> there's no time when it was added with additional details about
> why it was done, but it does seem to be known (at least by
> some people) to be necessary with the chip.
Mit freundlichen Gr|_en
Best regards

Thomas Bvrnert
Gesellschafter Geschdftsf|hrer
Senior IT Consultant & Manager
BSI lizenzierter Auditor f|r ISO 27001 auf Basis IT-Grundschutz

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