Late reply due to mail server problems at my ISP...

Stuart Henderson wrote:
Depends what you're trying to do, but if it's e.g. throttling
p2p users, that's only going to be of limited help.

I haven't tried the approach yet and, as you, I'm in doubt about its
abitily to throttle p2p. However, the idea isn't pulled out of the sky -
using 'pfctl -ss' on my gateway, I've discovered that a high percentage
(>90%) of the connections suspected to be p2p goes out to completely
random ports, mostly above 1024. (These days, users of bittorrent have
to choose to non-standard ports due to tracker rules, which entails a
quite uniform distribution.) My goal isn't to throttle every single p2p
connection, just a big enough percentage of them.

Relying on the side-behaviour of 'lots-of-connections' often
seen with some protocols you might want to restrict, but not so
often seen from a legitimate client, you have the option of
using max-src-states and throttling hosts in the overload
table. Care and attention is required though..

Nice idea, even though it's a bit more advanced. Thanks :)


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