On 6/13/06, Matthias Kilian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> when suspending the zaurus using a -CURRENT kernel or the latest
> snapshot (from june, 8th), it isn't possible to wake up the system.
> This happens both with power supply connected and with battery only,
> as well as with pressing the on/off button or invoking zzz(8).
> With a kernel from may, 19th still works.
> Could anyone please test and confirm this problem using a snapshot?
> Ciao,
>         Kili

It works most of the time for me using a 3000 and the June 8th snapshot.  I
am running "apmd -H" with a setperf of 50.  Running apmd in cool running
mode seemed to be worse, it wouldn't wake up as often.

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