MP = yes

# dmesg
OpenBSD 3.9-current (GENERIC.MP) #770: Sun Apr  9 01:47:42 MDT 2006
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/compile/GENERIC.MP
real mem = 1073274880 (1048120K)
avail mem = 908345344 (887056K)
using 22937 buffers containing 107536384 bytes (105016K) of memory
mainbus0 (root)
ipmi0 at mainbus0bmc_io_wait_cold fails : *v=ff m=02 b=00 write_cmd
kcs_sendmsg: 18 01
: unable to send get device id command
mainbus0: Intel MP Specification (Version 1.1) (TYAN     S2882       )
cpu0 at mainbus0: apid 0 (boot processor)
cpu0: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 250, 2388.95 MHz
cpu0: 64KB 64b/line 2-way I-cache, 64KB 64b/line 2-way D-cache, 1MB
64b/line 16-way L2 cache
cpu0: ITLB 32 4KB entries fully associative, 8 4MB entries fully associative
cpu0: DTLB 32 4KB entries fully associative, 8 4MB entries fully associative
cpu0: apic clock running at 199MHz
cpu1 at mainbus0: apid 1 (application processor)
cpu1: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 250, 2388.69 MHz
cpu1: 64KB 64b/line 2-way I-cache, 64KB 64b/line 2-way D-cache, 1MB
64b/line 16-way L2 cache
cpu1: ITLB 32 4KB entries fully associative, 8 4MB entries fully associative
cpu1: DTLB 32 4KB entries fully associative, 8 4MB entries fully associative
mpbios: bus 0 is type PCI
mpbios: bus 1 is type PCI
mpbios: bus 2 is type PCI
mpbios: bus 3 is type PCI
mpbios: bus 4 is type ISA
ioapic0 at mainbus0 apid 2 pa 0xfec00000, version 11, 24 pins
ioapic1 at mainbus0 apid 3 pa 0xfebff000, version 11, 4 pins
ioapic2 at mainbus0 apid 4 pa 0xfebfe000, version 11, 4 pins
pci0 at mainbus0 bus 0: configuration mode 1
ppb0 at pci0 dev 6 function 0 "AMD 8111 PCI-PCI" rev 0x07
pci1 at ppb0 bus 3
ohci0 at pci1 dev 0 function 0 "AMD 8111 USB" rev 0x0b: apic 2 int 19
(irq 9), version 1.0, legacy support
usb0 at ohci0: USB revision 1.0
uhub0 at usb0
uhub0: AMD OHCI root hub, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub0: 3 ports with 3 removable, self powered
ohci1 at pci1 dev 0 function 1 "AMD 8111 USB" rev 0x0b: apic 2 int 19
(irq 9), version 1.0, legacy support
usb1 at ohci1: USB revision 1.0
uhub1 at usb1
uhub1: AMD OHCI root hub, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub1: 3 ports with 3 removable, self powered
pciide0 at pci1 dev 4 function 0 "CMD Technology AAR-1210SA" rev 0x02: DMA
pciide0: using apic 2 int 16 (irq 10) for native-PCI interrupt
pciide0: port 1: device present, speed: 1.5Gb/s
wd0 at pciide0 channel 1 drive 0: <WDC WD1200JS-00MHB0>
wd0: 16-sector PIO, LBA48, 114473MB, 234441648 sectors
wd0(pciide0:1:0): using BIOS timings, Ultra-DMA mode 6
pciide1 at pci1 dev 5 function 0 "CMD Technology SiI3114 SATA" rev 0x02: DMA
pciide1: using apic 2 int 19 (irq 9) for native-PCI interrupt
vga1 at pci1 dev 6 function 0 "ATI Rage XL" rev 0x27
wsdisplay0 at vga1 mux 1: console (80x25, vt100 emulation)
wsdisplay0: screen 1-5 added (80x25, vt100 emulation)
fxp0 at pci1 dev 8 function 0 "Intel 8255x" rev 0x10, i82551: apic 2
int 18 (irq 11), address 00:e0:81:32:06:57
inphy0 at fxp0 phy 1: i82555 10/100 PHY, rev. 4
pcib0 at pci0 dev 7 function 0 "AMD AMD8111 LPC" rev 0x05
pciide2 at pci0 dev 7 function 1 "AMD 8111 IDE" rev 0x03: DMA, channel
0 configured to compatibility, channel 1 configured to compatibility
pciide2: channel 0 disabled (no drives)
atapiscsi0 at pciide2 channel 1 drive 1
scsibus0 at atapiscsi0: 2 targets
cd0 at scsibus0 targ 0 lun 0: <LITE-ON, COMBO SOHC-5236V, R$07> SCSI0
5/cdrom removable
cd0(pciide2:1:1): using PIO mode 4, Ultra-DMA mode 3
amdiic0 at pci0 dev 7 function 2 "AMD 8111 SMBus" rev 0x02: SCI
iic0 at amdiic0
amdpm0 at pci0 dev 7 function 3 "AMD 8111 Power" rev 0x05: rng active
iic1 at amdpm0
lm1 at iic1 addr 0x28: W83627HF
adt0 at iic1 addr 0x2e: adm1027 (ADT7460) rev 0x60
ppb1 at pci0 dev 10 function 0 "AMD 8131 PCIX" rev 0x12
pci2 at ppb1 bus 2
bge0 at pci2 dev 9 function 0 "Broadcom BCM5704C" rev 0x03, BCM5704 A3
(0x2003): apic 3 int 0 (irq 10), address 00:e0:81:32:07:a4
brgphy0 at bge0 phy 1: BCM5704 10/100/1000baseT PHY, rev. 0
bge1 at pci2 dev 9 function 1 "Broadcom BCM5704C" rev 0x03, BCM5704 A3
(0x2003): apic 3 int 1 (irq 5), address 00:e0:81:32:07:a5
brgphy1 at bge1 phy 1: BCM5704 10/100/1000baseT PHY, rev. 0
aapic0 at pci0 dev 10 function 1 "AMD 8131 PCIX IOAPIC" rev 0x01
ppb2 at pci0 dev 11 function 0 "AMD 8131 PCIX" rev 0x12
pci3 at ppb2 bus 1
aapic1 at pci0 dev 11 function 1 "AMD 8131 PCIX IOAPIC" rev 0x01
pchb0 at pci0 dev 24 function 0 "AMD AMD64 HyperTransport" rev 0x00
pchb1 at pci0 dev 24 function 1 "AMD AMD64 Address Map" rev 0x00
pchb2 at pci0 dev 24 function 2 "AMD AMD64 DRAM Cfg" rev 0x00
pchb3 at pci0 dev 24 function 3 "AMD AMD64 Misc Cfg" rev 0x00
pchb4 at pci0 dev 25 function 0 "AMD AMD64 HyperTransport" rev 0x00
pchb5 at pci0 dev 25 function 1 "AMD AMD64 Address Map" rev 0x00
pchb6 at pci0 dev 25 function 2 "AMD AMD64 DRAM Cfg" rev 0x00
pchb7 at pci0 dev 25 function 3 "AMD AMD64 Misc Cfg" rev 0x00
isa0 at pcib0
isadma0 at isa0
com0 at isa0 port 0x3f8/8 irq 4: ns16550a, 16 byte fifo
com1 at isa0 port 0x2f8/8 irq 3: ns16550a, 16 byte fifo
pckbc0 at isa0 port 0x60/5
pckbd0 at pckbc0 (kbd slot)
pckbc0: using irq 1 for kbd slot
wskbd0 at pckbd0: console keyboard, using wsdisplay0
pcppi0 at isa0 port 0x61
midi0 at pcppi0: <PC speaker>
spkr0 at pcppi0
lpt0 at isa0 port 0x378/4 irq 7
lm0 at isa0 port 0x290/8: W83627HF
lm1 detached
fdc0 at isa0 port 0x3f0/6 irq 6 drq 2
fd0 at fdc0 drive 0: 1.44MB 80 cyl, 2 head, 18 sec
uhidev0 at uhub1 port 1 configuration 1 interface 0
uhidev0: Raptor Gaming product 0x0103, rev 1.10/1.00, addr 2, iclass 3/1
ukbd0 at uhidev0: 8 modifier keys, 6 key codes
wskbd1 at ukbd0 mux 1
wskbd1: connecting to wsdisplay0
uhidev1 at uhub1 port 1 configuration 1 interface 1
uhidev1: Raptor Gaming product 0x0103, rev 1.10/1.00, addr 2, iclass 3/0
uhidev1: 2 report ids
uhid0 at uhidev1 reportid 1: input=2, output=0, feature=0
uhid1 at uhidev1 reportid 2: input=1, output=0, feature=0
uhidev2 at uhub1 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0
uhidev2: Microsoft Microsoft 5-Button Mouse with IntelliEye(TM), rev
1.10/3.00, addr 3, iclass 3/1
ums0 at uhidev2: 5 buttons and Z dir.
wsmouse0 at ums0 mux 0
dkcsum: wd0 matches BIOS drive 0x80
root on wd0a
rootdev=0x0 rrootdev=0x300 rawdev=0x302
uhidev0: at uhub1 port 1 (addr 2) disconnected
wskbd1: disconnecting from wsdisplay0
wskbd1 detached
ukbd0 detached
uhidev0 detached
uhidev1: at uhub1 port 1 (addr 2) disconnected
uhid0 detached
uhid1 detached
uhidev1 detached
uhidev2: at uhub1 port 2 (addr 3) disconnected
wsmouse0 detached
ums0 detached
uhidev2 detached
arp: attempt to add entry for on fxp0 by 00:90:f5:0d:e9:7a on bge1
arp: attempt to add entry for on fxp0 by 00:90:f5:0d:e9:7a on bge0
arp: attempt to add entry for on fxp0 by 00:90:f5:0d:e9:7a on bge0
arp: attempt to add entry for on fxp0 by 00:90:f5:0d:e9:7a on bge1

On 6/9/06, Brad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Karl,

You did not provide a dmesg with your e-mail. Is this
system by chance running a MP kernel?

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