Hi, I am currently setting up a POP3 server and everything is working fine. Also added stunnel to handle SSL connections for popa3d.
Now I would like to permit the usage of unencrypted connections to popa3d to enforce connections over SSL. popa3d runs in standalone mode and it should stay that way since I am not using inetd right now. When connected to port 995 stunnel forwards the connection to localhost port 110. Because of that I just need popa3d to listen on I changed a line in /usr/src/usr.sbin/popa3d/params.h to #define DAEMON_ADDR "" /* INADDR_ANY */ so it should only listen on "" instead of "" (old value) Then I did stopped popa3d, executed make clean && make && make install and restarted popa3d, but it still listens on all interfaces. Sure I could just block all incoming connections on port 110 (which I am doing right now), but it would be much nicer if it wasn't listening on unused ports at all. I am running a week-old snapshot, but used the latest cvs sources from a few hours ago. Thanks in advance, Michael Lechtermann