On Sun, May 28, 2006 at 03:14:12PM -0500, Tony Abernethy wrote:
> Henning Brauer wrote:
> > 
> > OpenBSD scales very well an most tasks you'll find.
> > There are some exceptions tho. That unfortunately includes threads.
> Out of curiosity, what happens when you run apache on SMP hardware
> where the libraries are not "thread safe"? (or whatever it's called)

If you run Apache 1, nothing at all - it's not threaded.

Apache 2 might or might not be stable, but it will (should?) not be the
threading library that's the problem. The threading library does not
work too well performance-wise, since threads are implemented entirely
in userspace. Amongst other things, this means the threads are all
inside one classical process, which, in turn, can use at most one CPU at
a time.

All in all, threads are quite stable on OpenBSD. They just aren't as
fast as they could be.

Of course, the experimental rthreads library changes a lot of stuff, but
that's not what we are talking about here. If you want to know about
that, ask someone who knows. ;-)


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