
djb published the exam paper from the 2004 UNIX security hole course:


I've been going through it, for something to do, and am stuck on
question 7:

Problem 7.

The system administrator, after learning that the /home disk is full, finds and
removes a 40-gigabyte file:

% find /home -ls | sort -n +6 | tail -1 | awk '{print $11}'
% ls -l /home/joe/just-testing/rc
-rw-r--r-- 1 joe joe 41162685334 Dec 9 10:00 /home/joe/just-testing/rc
% rm /home/joe/just-testing/rc
% ls -l /home/joe/just-testing/rc
ls: /home/joe/just-testing/rc: No such file or directory

The system administrator later discovers, to his surprise, that the important
16000-byte system file /etc/rc has disappeared. What exactly did joe do?

Anybody got any ideas? The rest of the questions seem quite easy but
this one has me scratching my head.


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