Thanks a bunch for the help!  I'll post again when it's resolved...

At 11:33 AM 5/26/2006, you wrote:
>Ugh that means they are running the drive on a RAID channel.  That is a bad
>idea.  Go for the 39160 option.
>On Fri, May 26, 2006 at 10:29:59AM -0700, Victor wrote:
>> Marco,
>> Thanks very much for your response.  The tape drive does not show up on
>> the BIOS messages, but before initially writing to [EMAIL PROTECTED], I was
>> told by Dell that the absence of the tape drive on the messages was OK.
>> I just called Dell again, and was told that it is normal for the PERC to
>> not list devices on the SCSI channel in the boot messages when the other
>> channel is RAID. The tech also stated that under certain circumstances
>> or with certain products, running the PERC channels as RAID/SCSI would
>> definitely cause issues such as OS or application non-detection / non-
>> function.  He suggested that an add-in controller, such as the Adaptec
>> 39160, would be the optimal approach.
>> I asked the tech if I could cause the tape drive to show up on the boot
>> messages if I turned off the RAID, and he cautioned me to first
>> disconnect the RAID array, and to steel my nerves for the ominous boot-
>> up messages that I would receive.  I might give that a try today or next
>> week after Tuesday.
>> The tech came across as knowledgeable and cooperative, nevertheless, it
>> does seem odd to me that the tape drive would not show up on the boot
>> messages.  However, the tape drive does show up on the Ctrl M PERC BIOS
>> screen.
>> When I started trying to resolve this, I knew that the add-in card was a
>> possible solution, and I am leaning towards it more now, especially
>> since the Adaptec 39160 that the tech suggested is on the OpenBSD
>> supported hardware list.


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