On Monday 22 May 2006 13:51, Unnikrishnan, Puthanveetil wrote:
> Hi ,
> I plan to install Openbsd3.9 on HP DL140 G2 machine.
> Is this machine Compatible with OpenBSD 3.9 ?
> Regards
> Unni

We have four HP DL140 G2 machines running on 3.7 at a customer site (dns and 
mail relays) without any problems at all. The interrupt router was the only 
problem (not recognized). Be we run on it anyway.  But 3.9 would probably be 
much better. We will also upgrade these servers to 3.9 within a month...

According to the people that knows more about it than me, the "Warning, unable 
to fix up PCI interrupt routing" message is harmless.  It tells you that your 
motherboard manufacturer sucks for shipping with a broken BIOS.  The only 
possibility is to update your bios but that is by no means a guarantee that 
it'll work.

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