Ah. Add server.skyblue.mine.nu to the file /etc/mail/local-hosts-names
On 2006/05/16 01:15, SkyBlueshoes wrote: I've just installed OpenBSD 3.8...my first ever *nix. I've got most up and running, but I'm having problems recieving email. I followed the guidelines on this page http://www.nomoa.com/bsd/mailServer.htm to the letter. All the localhost tests work, but when I try to send a test message from out of the domain I never get it. Also, I am not sure what my domain would be, but I tried sending to both [EMAIL PROTECTED] & [EMAIL PROTECTED] skyblue.mine.nu is my registered domain name, but the full name of my server is, as you'd guess, server.skyblue.mine.nu.